1 ##2012-05-06 14:27 2 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- 3 from Tkinter import * 4 import tkFileDialog 5 import tkMessageBox 6 import os 7 import xlrd 8 import xlwt 9 10 class combination(Frame): 11 """combine excel files""" 12 def __init__(self,parent=None): 13 Frame.__init__(self,parent) 14 self.sheetNo = 0 15 self.filepath = [] 16 self.outpath = "" 17 self.flag_ckbtn = IntVar() 18 self.pack(side=TOP) 19 self.init_entry() 20 self.init_btn() 21 22 23 def init_entry(self): 24 """get sheet No by the Entry""" 25 eframe = Frame(self) 26 eframe.pack() 27 Label(eframe,width=9,text='Sheet No:').pack(side='left',pady=15) 28 en_sheetNo = Entry(eframe,width=3) 29 en_sheetNo.pack(side='left',pady=15) 30 en_sheetNo.bind('', (lambda event:self.getsheetNo(en_sheetNo.get()))) 31 Label(eframe,width=9,text='1st row:').pack(side='left',pady=15) 32 ##v = IntVar() 33 Checkbutton(eframe,onvalue=0,offvalue=1,variable=self.flag_ckbtn).pack(side='left',pady=15) 34 35 def getsheetNo(self,num): 36 """pass out sheetNo""" 37 try: 38 self.sheetNo = int(num) 39 except ValueError: tkMessageBox.showinfo("Illegal Input","please input number!") 40 41 def init_btn(self): 42 """two buttons""" 43 btn_frame = Frame(self) 44 btn_frame.pack() 45 btn_import = Button(btn_frame,text='Import',command=self.importx,width=8) 46 btn_import.pack(side='left',padx=20) 47 btn_combine = Button(btn_frame,text='Combine',command=self.combine,width=8) 48 btn_combine.pack(side='left',padx=20) 49 50 #Get filepath 51 def importx(self): 52 """Get input files route""" 53 filenames = tkFileDialog.askopenfilenames() 54 self.filepath = filenames.lstrip('{ ').rstrip('}').split('} { ') 55 56 def combine(self): 57 """combine excel files and write into out.xls""" 58 if self.validation(self.filepath): 59 allrows = self.getAllRows(self.filepath,self.sheetNo) 60 path = self.filepath[0].split("/") 61 path = "/".join(path[0:-1])+"/out.xls" 62 self.writeIntoExcel(path,allrows) 63 64 def validation(self,filepath): 65 """Validation for excel files""" 66 if filepath == [''] or len(self.filepath) == 0: 67 tkMessageBox.showinfo("Combine Failed!","You need import several Excel files before combination") 68 return False 69 if filepath[0][-3:] != "xls": 70 tkMessageBox.showinfo("Combine Failed!","Only Excel files can be combined!") 71 return False 72 return True 73 74 75 def getAllRows(self,filepath,sheetNo): 76 """combine all rows into a list""" 77 allrows = [] #clear before store rows 78 for fname in filepath: 79 try: 80 data = xlrd.open_workbook(fname) 81 except IOError: 82 tkMessageBox.showinfo("IOError","Please select at least one file!") 83 return 84 85 #get sheet number 86 if sheetNo in range(data.nsheets+1): 87 pass 88 else: sheetNo = data.nsheets 89 table = data.sheet_by_index(sheetNo-1) 90 91 #import all rows except or inculde the first one 92 for rownum in range(self.flag_ckbtn.get(),table.nrows): 93 row = table.row_values(rownum) 94 fa = cmp(row[0].encode("utf-8"), "") # fa=0 if no value in first columen 95 fb = cmp(row[0].encode("utf-8"), "在此前复制并插入行") # fb=0 if equal the special value 96 colnum = len(row) 97 if fa!=0 and fb!=0 and row: 98 app=[] 99 for i in range(colnum):100 app.append(row[i])101 allrows.append(app)102 return allrows103 104 def writeIntoExcel(self,path,allrows):105 """write list into an excel file"""106 wbk = xlwt.Workbook()107 sheet = wbk.add_sheet('combined sheet')108 for i in range(len(allrows)):109 for j in range(len(allrows[i])):110 sheet.write(i,j,allrows[i][j])111 #wbk.save(unicode(path,"utf-8"))112 try:113 wbk.save(path)114 except IOError:115 tkMessageBox.showinfo("Generate Failed!","Please close 'out.xls'")116 return117 tkMessageBox.showinfo("Combination Finished!","The combined file locate at: "+path)118 return119 120 121 root = Tk()122 root.title("Excel files combination")123 root.geometry("240x100+550+300")124 comb = combination(root)125 root.mainloop()